View from Kirifuri Chaya (Teahouse), Nikko, c. 1910.

1910sAmusements & RecreationsOutside Tokyo
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Kirifuri chaya, Nikko, c. 1930.

“View from Kirifuri chaya,” Nikko, c. 1930. The “mist-falling cascade” can be seen in the distance.

Kirifuri-no-taki, or the ‘Mist-falling Cascade’: By taking a wide sweep round the base of Toyama and over undulating country to the South, this cascade may be reached in 1-1/4 hr.

“A tea house on the hill above commands a picturesque view of the fall, and from the top of a knoll just beyond the tea house a grand view is obtained of the country towards the East, South and West. A steep and rough path leads down to the foot, where the fall is seen to better advantage.”

A Handbook for Travellers in Japan, by Basil Hall Chamberlain & W. B. Mason, 1904

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