Tosa, Shikoku, c. 1920.

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“The Harksengan”, Tosa, c. 1920.

See also:
Kochi Castle, Tosa, Shikoku, c. 1920.
Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama (Iyo District), Ehime, Shikoku, c. 1910.
Round kite (wanwan-dako) flying at Naruto, Shikoku, 1935.

“The word Shi-koku means ‘four countries,’ – a name derived from the fact of the island being divided into the four provinces of Awa to the E., Sanuki to the N.E., Iyo to the N.W., and Tosa to the S.

Map: One of Japan’s four “home islands” showing Shikoku Island’s historical provinces (and its present-day prefectural names).

“As the author of the Kojiki quaintly phrases it, ‘[Shikoku] has one body and four faces, and each face has a name.’ Some of the names used in early times were quaint indeed, the province of Iyo being called ‘Lovely Princess’ (E-hime), Sanuki being ‘Prince Good Boiled Rice’ (Iiyori-hiko), Awa being ‘the Princess of Great Food’ (Oh-ge-tsu-hime), and Tosa being ‘the Brave Good Youth’ (Take-yori-wake).

“The last-named province continues to justify its name for bravery and ability. No men have aided more than the Tosa men to bring about the renovation of Japan; in none are turbulent and democratic sentiments more prevalent.

“… [Shikoku] is now divided into the four prefectures of Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, and Kochi, corresponding respectively to the old provinces of Awa, Sanuki, Iyo, and Tosa.”

A Handbook for Travellers in Japan, by Basil Hall Chamberlain & W.B. Mason, 1901

“The Urato minato” [Urato harbor], Sajima at Urato, Tosa, c. 1920.

“As with all of Kōchi Prefecture, the area of Susaki was part of ancient Tosa Province. During the Edo period, the area was part of the holdings of Tosa Domain ruled by the Yamauchi clan from their seat at Kōchi Castle.

“Following the Meiji restoration, the town of Susaki was established within Takaoka District, Kōchi with the creation of the modern municipalities system on October 1, 1889.

“The coastline around Susaki is intricately pocked with deep coves such as Uranouchi Bay and Susaki Bay.”


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