Tagami Tea-house, Mogi Road, Nagasaki, c. 1910.

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“Of the two fair attendants at the tea-house at Moggi [sic], one could speak English fluently, whilst the other was equally at home in the Russian language, and they could entertain and attend to the wants of their principal customers, who, they told us, were generally English or Americans and Russians.”

A Jaunt in Japan, Or, Ninety Days’ Leave in the Far East, by Capt. S.C.F. Jackson, D.S.O., 1899

Tagami Tea House, Mogi Road, Nagasaki, c. 1910.

Tagami Tea House, Mogi Road, Nagasaki, c. 1910.

See also:
Mogi Hotel, Nagasaki, c. 1910.

“The main road to Mogi passes through the suburb of Koshima Go beyond Maruyama, and turning to the 1eft rapidly ascends the hills lying to the back of the foreign settlement. There are short cuts to this road with out entering the native town.

“At the hamlet of Tagami there are a few prettily situated tea-houses, and from this point onward the road is mostly paved with stones. 1 ri further the path descends and crosses a stone bridge over a stream called the Mogi-gawa. It then winds up the slopes of the hills to a cutting which commands a pretty view of the bay and village of Mogi, the descent to which is short and easy.”

A Handbook for Travellers in Central & Northern Japan, by Sir Ernest Mason Satow & A.G.S. Hawes, 1884

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