Gifu Prefectural Museum of Natural Resources, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, 1908. (Colorized)
“Opening of the telephone office” commemorative postcard, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, 1907.
Ikaya Ryokan, Naoetsu, Niigata Prefecture, c. 1910.
Rug and carpet factory, c. 1920.
“View of the Machida shaft, Iwaki Colliery Co.”, Fukushima Prefecture, c. 1910.
The Japan Society for the Preservation of Historic Sites, Tokyo, 1911.
Opening of the Kyoto electric streetcar system (1895) commemorative postcard, c. 1905.
“Mitsui Salicylic Acid”, Miike Dye Works, Mitsui Mining Co., Omuta, Kyushu, c. 1928.
Aerial view of Shinjuku Gyoen and Nishi-Shinjuku water treatment plant, Tokyo, c. 1960.
“The Miyagi, An Agricultural College”, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, c. 1910.
Nippon Flour Milling Co., Yokohama, c. 1930.
Yawata Iron and Steel Company, Yawata, Kyushu, c. 1940.
5th National Industrial Exhibition, Osaka, 1903.
Naval Battles of Miyako Bay and Hakodate (May 1869), Boshin War commemorative postcards, c. 1930.
Battle of the Yalu River (1894), propaganda postcard, c. 1905.
“In commemoration of the Establishment of Direct Cable Communication between Japan and America” commemorative postcards, 1906.
31st Anniversary of the Tokyo Higher Industrial School commemorative postcards, Kuramae, Tokyo, 1912.
The Tokyo Nautical School training ship “Taisei Maru”, 1906.
Tokyo Arsenal, Koshikawa, Tokyo, c. 1920.
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of Yokohama Port, 1909.
“A View of a Lighthouse from the Bentenbashi Riverbank”, Yokohama, c. 1910.
Bijin on bicycle, c. 1920.
Lafcadio Hearn’s home, Matsue, Japan, c. 1950.