“Snowy day in the mountains”, c. 1930.

1930sAmusements & RecreationsSports & Athletics
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“Snowy day in the mountains”, c. 1930.

“Snowy day in the mountains”, c. 1930.

See also:
Skiers, Japan Alps, c. 1940.
“Ski”, Takada (Joetsu), Japan, c. 1915.

“In Japan during recent years the number of ski-runners in Japan has greatly increased, as skiing is considered the best winter sport, especially among the school boys.

“The Tokyo Ski Club, which lies its head office in the Japan Tourist Bureau, is the foremost of the kind, comprising a large number of members both Japanese and foreigners; and several universities — the Imperial, the Waseda, the Keio and the Peers’ school etc. — have organized their own ski-club in each school. Besides, in the skiing resorts such as Takata, Sekiyama, Myoko, Goshiki there are formed local ski clubs by the natives.

“… The ski comes really as blessing to people in snowy lands. In the neighbourhood of Akakura, skiing is put to practical use by boys who go on skis to their school. They begin the practice at five and, with snow available for four months in the year and with the flexibility characteristic of tender age, they make swift progress, so that before attaining their teens, they are masters of the art, having acquired that perfection which comes only from constant practice.

“Skiing is finding its votaries among royalty in Japan, and at the time of my visit to Akakura, Prince Asaka, who is reputed to be a good skier, was making a sojourn in one of the villas at the resort for the enjoyment of his favourite sport. The Crown Prince [Hirohito] also has had his first taste of the sport this winter at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and it appears that His Highness was greatly pleased with his experience.”

The Tourist, January 1922

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