On the road from Atami to Ito, c. 1930.

1930sAmusements & RecreationsOutside TokyoTransportation
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“Famous place of Atami”, c. 1930.

“Famous place of Atami”, c. 1930. The rock, just off-shore, upon which, legend says, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism was banished by the Kamakura bakufu in the mid-13th century.

“Ito can be reached from Atami by train. But it is a thrilling experience to make a 50-minute motor drive along the road constructed by cutting the cliffs. From the late autumn to early winter orchards on the hills at the back of the town become resplendent with golden oranges.

“… Ito has also a few historical and legendary associations. There is an isolated rock in the sea which is associated with Saint Nichiren, the founder of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism.

“The story is that Nichiren, who was hated like poison by the Kamakura Government, was arrested and marooned on this rock, only to be barely saved by local fishermen. Naturally, there are quite a number of relics concerning this Buddhist saint.

“Izu’s Wealth of Winter Resorts”, by D. Yoshida, Travel in Japan, Vol. 4 No. 4, 1938

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