Miyagino, Hakone, c. 1910.

1910sMt. Fuji/Hakone
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Miyagino, Hakone, c. 1910.

“View of Miyagino”, Hakone, c. 1910.

See also:
Lake Hakone (Ashi-ko), c. 1920
Miyanoshita Village, Hakone, c. 1910
Mt. Fuji and Lake Hakone Railway Access and Bus Routes, c. 1930.

“The road, which branches left, goes to Hakone Lake. That at the right soon crosses a rushing streamlet, and at a point where Miyanoshita is seen far below, enters a pine grove and later traverses a region studded with cherry trees and Spanish chestnuts. At Gora, a crossroad leads down the slope to Miyagino.

“Bearing to the left, the clear trail follows the contour of the hill, now up, now down, over a district flecked with many small white (poisonous) flowers of the wild rosemary; the shrubs turn red in autumn and develop narcotic properties injurious to sheep.

“Entering a broken region (3478 ft.) smelling of sulphur, the road leads to the Ojigoku (or o-waki-dani — ‘valley of the great boiling’), so-called from the subterraneous fires which make their presence known by a few thin wisps of steam and offensive gases. Hot water is piped to some of the native bath-houses farther down the valley.”

Terry’s Japanese Empire, T. Philip Terry, 1914

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