Meiji Theater (Meiji-za), Tokyo, c. 1910.

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Meiji Theater (Meiji-za), Tokyo, c. 1910.

“The Meiji Theater presents Kabuki and Western stage plays. It first opened in the district of Hisamatsu-chô, Nihonbashi, as the Kishôza in 1873. Six years later it reopened under the name of Hisamatsuza. In February 1885 it opened under a third name, Chitoseza, but burned down in 1890. In November 1893 it was rebuilt as the Meijiza, the name that it holds today.

“In 1904 the Meijiza underwent renovations, only to be burned down in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.”


Meiji-za Theatre, c. 1910.

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2 thoughts below on “Meiji Theater (Meiji-za), Tokyo, c. 1910.

  1. Pingback: The Kawakami Theater performing "Okan" at Meiji-za, Tokyo, c. 1905. | Old Tokyo

  2. Pingback: Tokyo Gekijo (Theater), Tsukiji, c. 1930. | Old Tokyo

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