Kitamura Trio, Tokio’s Foremost Equilibrists, 1917.

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The Kitamura Trio, Tokio’s Foremost Equilibrists, c. 1917.

The Kitamura Trio, Tokio’s Foremost Equilibrists [acrobats], 1917.

“Arrangement for the entertainment to be given by the Japanese students at the University are now complete. The date has been set for March 12 and 13, and the performance will take place in College Street Hall … The proceeds will be sent to the sufferers of a severe famine in northern Japan.

“The entertainment will consist of three parts — two plays by the students themselves, and an act by the Kitamura Trio of Japanese acrobats.”


Yale (University) Daily News, March 3, 1906

Kitamura Trio advertisement, Salt Lake City, 1917.

Kitamura Trio advertisement in “Goodwin’s Weekly”, Salt Lake City, July 7, 1917.

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  1. Pingback: The Kawakami Theater performing "Okan" at Meiji-za, Tokyo, c. 1905. | Old Tokyo

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