Ginza Crossing streetcars, Tokyo, c. 1960.

1960sHistoric DistrictTransportation
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Ginza Crossing streetcars, Tokyo, c. 1960.

Ginza Crossing streetcars, Tokyo, c. 1960, and traffic cop. The blue automobile in the foreground is a Hino-Renault 4CV (Model PA62), a joint-venture vehicle manufactured under license in Japan from 1953-1961. The black-and-white police car is a 1959 Toyopet Crown.

From the wiki: “At its peak, the Tokyo Toden [electric streetcar] system boasted 41 routes with 213 kilometers of track. However, the increase in reliance on automobile traffic resulted in reductions in ridership, and from 1967 to 1972, 181-km of track were abandoned as the Bureau changed its emphasis to bus and subway modes of transportation.”

Tokyo streetcar map (c. 1950).

Tokyo streetcar map (c. 1950).

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  1. Pingback: Arakawa-ku trip | Ben Bansal

  2. Pingback: Tokyo Streetcars (Tokyo Toden), c. 1910-1920. | Old Tokyo

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