See also:
Crown Prince Yoshihito (Taisho) and family, c. 1910.
Enthronement of Emperor Taisho commemorative postcard, 1915.
Taisho Mausoleum, Hachioji, c. 1930.
“The outstanding event of the year was the Silver Wedding Anniversary of the Emperor and Empress [on May 10, 1925], a celebration in which all classes joined in pledging allegiance and expressing affection. However as the illness of the Emperor is of a serious nature he was not able to attend any of the celebrations. This greatly disappointed the people, for one could hear on all hands profound regrets expressed by a loyal people.
Emperor Taisho and Empress Teimei, 1925. Commemorative postcard for their Silver Wedding Anniversary (1900).
“Japan’s millions bowed and renewed their pledges of allegiance to the Throne, and there were celebrations everywhere throughout the Island Empire in commemoration of the Silver Wedding Anniversary of the Emperor and Empress. Messages of congratulation to the Imperial couple on their quarter century of wedded life together brought sincere expressions of friendship and respect from their friends and the friends of the nation throughout the world.
“Thousands and hundreds of thousands of loyal subjects thronged into Tokyo and swarmed the main thoroughfares of the Capital. There was a carnival spirit which prevailed in the city as the ceremonies proceeded. At night there were electrical displays and picturesque lantern processions and bands played and along the tram lines floats appeared. The effect of all this was one of beauty and exotic appeal.”
– The Christian Movement in Japan, Korea & Formosa; edited by A. Oltmans, et al.; Federation of Christian Missions in Japan, Vol. XXIV; 1926
- Crowds gather under a memorial arch erected in front of the Imperial Palace’s Hoshimon gate in observance of Emperor Taisho’s Silver Wedding Anniversary, 1925.
- Primary school children’s flag parade in front of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 1925, to celebrate the 25th Wedding Anniversary of HIH Emperor Taisho and Empress Teimei.
- Parade of flower tram floats across the Imperial Palace plaza, Emperor Taisho 25th Wedding Anniversary, Tokyo, 1925.
- Parade of flower tram floats across the Imperial Palace plaza, Emperor Taisho 25th Wedding Anniversary, Tokyo, 1925.
- Parade of flower tram floats across the Imperial Palace plaza, Emperor Taisho 25th Wedding Anniversary, Tokyo, 1925.
- Nighttime public celebration of the Imperial 25th wedding annniversary, 1925.
- Public concert at Hibiya Park in celebration of the Imperial 25th wedding anniversary, 1925.