“Snow scene, Custom House of Yokohama,” c. 1910, on the Yokohama Bund. Custom House was the official port entry for passengers arriving by ship, and was also where all cargo entering Japan at Yokohama was cleared.
“A strict examination of the luggage of passengers is made at the Custom House, but it is rare for any difficulty to arise as opium is the only article prohibited in the tariff. All dutiable articles, however, should be entered on the ship’s manifest as otherwise the owner renders himself liable to a fine.”
– A Handbook for Travellers in Japan, by Basil Hall Chamberlain & W. B. Mason, 1891
“Official matters were dealt with through the various foreign consulates, of which the British and American stood on Nippon-dori facing handsome Japanese Government buildings, set well back on the other side.
“At the shore end of this avenue rose the Japanese Custom House, whose enormous compound received all cargoes lightered in from vessels moored at the anchorage. Where the Customs compound met the start of the Bund, a stone jetty known as the English hatoba [wharf] not only afforded shelter for launches and lighters but constituted the official landing place for passengers and sailors coming ashore in sampans, launches and pinnaces.”
– The Death of Old Yokohama: In the Great Japanese Earthquake of 1923, by Otis M Poole, 2010