Ushigome Methodist Church, Ushigome, Tokyo, c. 1905.
Keio University library, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, c. 1920.
Naval Engineering College, Yokosuka, 1910.
High school class excurision to the Miura peninsula in line outside Zushi Station, Zushi, c. 1910.
35th Annual Athletic Sports promotional postcard, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, c. 1915.
50th Anniversary commemorative postcard series, Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo, 1913.
Kyoritsu Girls’ College & Vocational School, Chiyoda, Tokyo, c. 1940.
“The Miyagi, An Agricultural College”, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, c. 1910.
Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby with Annapolis Naval Academy Class of 1881 alumni and wives, 1922.
“Student at Tokyo Army Aviation School” propaganda postcard, c. 1940.
Junten Middle School, Tokyo, c. 1915.
“Hokkaido Imperial University”, Sapporo, c. 1920.
Eiwa Jo Gakko student dormitory, Yokohama, c. 1920.
Keio University baseball players on the field, c. 1910.
Methodist mission kindergarten class, Sendai, c. 1920.
“Scene at the Blackmer Home”, Tokyo, c. 1920.
“Sendai Christian Orphanage, Girls’ Cottages”, Sendai, c. 1910.
Margaret K. Long Girls’ School (Joshi Seigakuin), Tokyo, c. 1920.
31st Anniversary of the Tokyo Higher Industrial School commemorative postcards, Kuramae, Tokyo, 1912.
“Writing lesson”, c. 1910.
The Tokyo Nautical School training ship “Taisei Maru”, 1906.
Doshisha Girls’ School, Kyoto, c. 1930.
Japan Women’s University, Meijiro, Tokyo, c. 1920.