Imperial Japanese Navy Shanghai Naval Landing Force (SNLF) Marine, 1932.
Battle of the Yalu River (1894), propaganda postcard, c. 1905.
Matsudaya Hotel, Yuda Spa, Yamaguchi Prefecture, c. 1930.
“Gekimetsu” (“Annihilation”) motion picture advertising postcards, 1930.
Commodore Perry and the “Expedition to Japan” (1853) souvenir postcards, c. 1920.
“In commemoration of the Establishment of Direct Cable Communication between Japan and America” commemorative postcards, 1906.
Battle of Tsushima Straits propaganda postcard, Russo-Japanese War, 1905.
“Great White Fleet” being fêted in Yokohama, 1908.
Propaganda postcard reproduction of a 35th Army Day poster, March 10, 1940.
Gasuden “Kōken-ki” world-record non-stop flight, 1938.
The Surrender of Singapore propaganda postcard, 1942.
Hokkaido Semi-Centennial Exposition, 1918.
Fifteenth Quadrennial International Red Cross Conference, Tokyo, 1934.
The Battle of Wong Nai Chung Gap (Hong Kong) propaganda postcard, 1942.
“Do not forget”, Imperial Rescript for the Declaration of War, propaganda postcard, c. 1942.
Transfer of the national capital to Tokyo, 50th Anniversary, 1919.
Tokyo Arsenal, Koshikawa, Tokyo, c. 1920.
Tokyo-Osaka-Tokyo Air Race, 1920.
The Wreck of the S.S. Dakota, 1907.
Emperor Taisho 25th Wedding Anniversary, 1925.
Commodore Perry negotiating at Ryosenji Temple in 1854, Shimoda, commemorative postcard, c. 1930.
Exposition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the “Meiji Assembly”, Ueno Park, Tokyo, 1938.
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of Yokohama Port, 1909.