The Play Ground of Keio Gijuku, Tokyo, c. 1905

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The Play Ground of Keio Gijuku, Tokyo, c. 1905.

“The Play Ground of Keio Gijiku [sic]”, Tokyo, c. 1905. Keio University fielded one of the first baseball teams in Japan, around 1900, and began a rivalry in 1903 with Waseda University that continues to this day … except between 1906-1925 when the Sokeisen (“war between Keio and Waseda”) was banned because of “overly rowdy team behaviors.”

See also:
Keio University vs. University of Chicago (Baseball), 1915
Meiji Jingu Baseball Ground, c. 1930

“‘Germany’ Schaefer, one of the young stars of the New York National League baseball team (the Giants), is now in Japan coaching the baseball nine of the Keio Gijuku University, Tokyo, considered the strongest in Japan.

“Baseball is by far the most popular of all games among the Japanese of the rising generation, and its players are lionized. Last year, a Chicago University team went to Japan and scored several brilliant victories over the Japanese, so the latter have thought it wise to try the effect of first-class professional coaching and, following a suggestion made by Mr Yamashita of Morimura Bros of New York, the engagement of a member of the Giants team was decided upon.

“Schaefer will remain a month in Japan, returning to America early in February. He was formerly a member of the St. Clara team of Hawaii, which played several games with the Keio team when the latter was on a visit to Hawaii.”

The Oriental Economic Review, January 25, 1911

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