Dai Nippon Butoku Kai [“Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society”], Akita branch, 1906.

1920sArts & CultureGovernmentPatriotism/Military
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Dai Nippon Butoku Kai [“Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society”], Akita Prefecture branch, 1906.

See also:
Butokuden (Military Arts Hall), Suwayama Park, Kobe, c. 1910.

“The Dai Nippon Butoku Kai [“Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society”] was first established in 1895 at Kyoto under the authority of the Japanese Government and with the endorsement of Meiji Emperor, to ‘solidify, promote, and standardize martial disciplines and systems’ throughout Japan.  It aimed for the preservation of traditional Budo [‘Martial Way’] and the nobility associated with Samurai culture.

“The Butoku Kai was the first official and premier martial arts institution sanctioned by the government of Japan. It became a nation-wide organization and began to influence various martial arts organizations in all of Japan. It was regarded as the most reputable organization by all Japanese martial arts such as kendo, judo, kyudo, etc. It promoted the virtues of bushido and high historical proficiency in martial disciplines. An official training hall, a Butokuden, was built in every prefecture and in many cities.

“The original historic Butokuden, Hall of Martial Virtues, was built in Kyoto in 1895 near Heian Shrine to carry out the legacy of ancient traditions which was originally started in eighth century capital of Kyoto.  It had remained emblematically the powerful symbol of esteemed honor and highest integrity where the prominent Japanese martial practitioners aspired to be recognized by the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai.

“After DNBK was dissolved in 1946 as a result of Japan’s defeat in WWII, the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai was reestablished again in 1953 with the new philosophical vision of preserving the long-standing illustrious classical martial virtues and traditions and to contribute to the world peace, international goodwill, mutual understanding and respect, and mutual prosperity through Budo training and education.”


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