Children playing under cherry blossoms, c. 1960.

1960sAmusements & RecreationsCherry Blossoms
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Children playing game under cherry blossoms, c. 1960.

Children playing under cherry blossoms, c. 1960.

See also:
O-hanami (Cherry Blossoms Viewing).
Cherry Blossoms at Mukojima, c. 1910.

“What the rose is to the people of America, the cherry blossom is to the Land of the Rising Sun, and the time of their blossoming is made a season of national festival.

“Vast numbers of admiring men women and children come from far and near to feast their sight upon the white and pink blossoms unfolding to the spring air.

“The world is young again with the blooming of the cherry, and hearts that were sad a short time since become light, for it is a gala season with men as well as Nature.”

Japan, the Place and the People, by George Waldo Browne, 1901

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